
Our MySQL-Server which runs on the Webserver Hardware, makes the following Querys:

Total 129 M
Ø Hour: 824,30 k
Ø Minute 13,74 k
Ø Second 229,17


The Traffic is the following:

  Traffic Ø Hour
Incoming 13,6 GB 88,6 MiB
Outgoing 0,6 TB 4,0 GB
Total 0,6 TB 4,1 GB


The average connections are 300 each minute. The MySQL-Server self used over 25GB of Ram to reduce the harddisk i/o.


He runs since over 6 Days. It is not so much, but we cached a lot of Data and generate the graphic, stats only all 4 to 15 or 30 minutes new. We think about to set all cache-times down or smaller.


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