A half year ago, since the first News comes up, that the Updates for the Debian-LTS from Update is near EndOfLife, we have tried to upgrade the blocklist.de-Systems.
But it was to hard 🙁
Because there was a lot of Changes, which need to manually fixed.
We have copied the Data to a vps and worked with them. So we update the System -> crash… Rockbackup, fixed the Error, Update -> crash…. and again and again…….
After round about 6 Months later, we had fixed all Errors and run now all Systems with the latest Version of the OS.
After the first stable Updates, there was a some Bugs, we dont see, but the BlockList.de-User has informed and helped us, to fix this.
So, now the Blocklist.de-Site is almost as soon as the previous System (with a little bit more Caching).
Only the Munin-Pictures are broken at the moment, because there was too many Users for the Munin-System. But we work on it and for the most Graphs, the creating works again fine.
The Website has an A+-Raking at ssllabs now:
And also the Mailsystem:
MX Server | Pref | Con- nect |
All- owed |
Can Use |
TLS Adv |
Cert OK |
TLS Neg |
Sndr OK |
Rcvr OK |
smtp-mx.blocklist.de [] |
10 | OK (134ms) |
OK (135ms) |
OK (136ms) |
OK (137ms) |
OK (442ms) |
OK (136ms) |
OK (136ms) |
FAIL * |
smtp-mx2.blocklist.de [] |
20 | OK (181ms) |
OK (182ms) |
OK (180ms) |
OK (180ms) |
OK (467ms) |
OK (183ms) |
OK (187ms) |
FAIL * |
webserver3.blocklist.de [] |
70 | OK (140ms) |
OK (8,253ms) |
OK (131ms) |
OK (131ms) |
OK (443ms) |
OK (132ms) |
OK (141ms) |
FAIL * |
smtp-mx.blocklist.de [] |
80 | OK (137ms) |
OK (136ms) |
OK (133ms) |
OK (133ms) |
OK (373ms) |
OK (134ms) |
OK (136ms) |
OK (251ms) |
* = greylisting for the tested Address is active.
What we have already build:
- Info-Mail about Servers, which has send Reports without Logfiles
- Info-Mail about Servers, which has send longer then 90 Days no Reports
- Info-Mail about disabled Servers in your Profile (disabled due false-positives…..)
The next Step are:
- to make the HTML and CSS ready for mobile devices.
- a writeable API to add Servers or change settings
- The Munin-Graphs zoom able
- Live Attack Map like http://map.honeynet.org/ (currently offline) or http://www.sicherheitstacho.eu/
- php7 for the Site/Api/Scripts
- API complete as an REST-full api
- Rsync Access for the rbl-Data
- Upgrade the Abuse-Reports to the new (higher) dkim-key
- Update the language Files (with google-translate) for french, chinese and more, that blocklist is available in more languages (and the Login-Sites too)
- Generate the Statistics from the Blog (The raking from the countries and Companies) automatically.