
Current Stats of BlockList.de (Users, MySQL-Load, Traffic, Mails….)

The Traffic, Load, Users and other Statistics of blocklist.de for the Month 09.2014


Currently, blocklist.de has the following Stats/User:

User: 1,719

Server: 1,932

Attacks: 282,138,414   since 05.05.2013

Reports: 8,572,275 since 2012

Daily Mails: ~750,400 (lower limit) ~1,250,000 (high limit)

Web-Traffic: ~290 GB

RBL-/API-Traffic: ~80 GB

Mail (In/Out)-Traffic: ~~3,315 GB

Traffic over IPv6 (Mail, Web..): ~5GB

To this data, there comes 6,1TB Traffic between the Web-/Mail-Server and the MySQL-Server. The MySQL-Server sends over ~8,4 GB each Hour out.

The Mysql-Server use now 60% from 32GB Ram (~14gb Cache). And the System-Load is in average on 2.40 .

The WebServer is using not full of 12GB Ram and the System-Load is under 0,6. The open Connections are ~23,000 on the same time


The complete Traffic from all Systems are round about 6,4TB in 09/2014 (the Traffic from MySQL-Server over the not public IPs is not included).


Statistics 09-2014 reborn

After 2 Years, we try to regenerate the Statistics over the countries from month to month again.


The Image (Up, down, same….) is the different from 2012 (last statistics):


Die Pfeile ist die Position zum Vormonat (gestiegen, gefallen, gleich geblieben).

Nach IP-Adressen sortiert (unique):

  1. 29182 CN
  2. 12068 VN
  3. 10280 IN
  4. 8157 US
  5. 7082 RU
  6. 14573 VN
  7. 5651 NoName
  8. 5216 VE
  9. 4054 BR
  10. 3986 UA

Sortiert nach Anzahl der Angriffe:

  1. 7805582 CN
  2. 6300587 US
  3. 1752518 US
  4. 1533083 PL
  5. 678569 NoName
  6. 537431 FR
  7. 175161 RU
  8. 35833 AT
  9. 35048 DE
  10. 32085 NoASN
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