We have sorted the Spam-Links from the BadBot-Comments in our Honeypot-Systems.
Here is the list:
Count (URLs) : Host
108272 | dailybooth.com |
41264 | foros.hispavista.com |
24710 | wallinside.com |
17967 | www.formspring.me |
16129 | lopuher.pl.ua |
16096 | member.thinkfree.com |
14257 | sourceforge.net |
13097 | guestbooks.pathfinder.gr |
10105 | sites.google.com |
7392 | elahlyclub.com |
6792 | www.hot.ee |
5659 | www.netvibes.com |
5577 | aderispharm.com |
4831 | www.faniq.com |
4818 | galeon.com |
4580 | cheapmedpharm.com |
3780 | www.asianave.com |
3667 | www.last.fm |
3546 | blog.sina.com.cn |
3486 | users5.nofeehost.com |
3126 | nonviolencenetwork.com |
3041 | card-reader.com |
3020 | www.flickr.com |
2992 | www.victorme.com |
2690 | www.youtube.com |
2680 | technorati.com |
2656 | www.qubmovies.com |
2649 | jasemi.in |
2457 | oceanup.com |
2456 | www.box.net |
In the next Days/Weeks we will forwarding all URLs to the Siteowners to check them if the Content not clearly spam.