

Currently, blocklist.de has the following Stats/User:

User: 1,129

Server: 1,277

Attacks: 418,748,629

Reports: 6,947,859

Daily Mails: ~309497 (lower limit) ~420000 (high limit)

Web-Traffic: ~170 GB (some Peaks in 10/2013 and some low in 09/2013)

RBL-/API-Traffic: ~50 GB

Mail (In/Out)-Traffic: ~2760 GB (incoming and outgoing Mails, not internal)

Traffic over IPv6 (Mail, Web..): ~5GB

To this data, there comes 3,2TB Traffic between the Web-/Mail-Server and the MySQL-Server. The MySQL-Server sents over ~4,2 GB each Hour out.

The Mysql-Server use now 56% from 32GB Ram. And the System-Load is in average on 7.00 (we have changed to percona, the load is higher, but the results are faster done) .

The WebServer is using not full of 15GB Ram and the System-Load is under 1,4. The open Connections are ~11000


The complete Traffic from all Systems are round about 4,7TB (external Traffic) in September 2013.



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